Queen Airen III Sale

Queen of the Elves of the Evergreen Forest and the Plains that surround this one-million-year-old vast lush forest, home of the Wood Elves and their marvelous Emerald City. She is a direct descendant from Queen Greenia I, the first Wood Elf, daughter of King Alvar.

She was already queen when the Third Blight gave origin to the Third Age and the Shadows of the Night invaded Ethernia once again, like every four thousand years. That Blight was not as strong, but the forces commanded by Elanor, Protector of the Forest, could not kill the Lord of the Shadows, so they expect that now He will return stronger than ever, and the time is close…

Queen Airen III is a wise, romantic, and charismatic Wood Elf. She loves fun and music and adores sex. She is very sexually experienced. If her bed could talk about all the mighty knights who have visited it... It’s not a coincidence, by Greenia’s bloodline, she is a direct descendant of Queen Nymph Harmonia.


- Fantasy Elf Queen sex doll.
- TPE body and head.
- EVO skeleton with shrugging shoulders and solid feet with bolts.
- Mouth can provide oral sex.
- Skin tone as shown in the pictures.
- Moaning sound.
- Random outfit.
- Wig.

  • Regular price $859.00

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