Realistic Puerto Rican sex dolls
Puerto Rico is a relatively medium-sized island located in the Caribbean, an independent country unincorporated into the United States. Its perfect strategic position, between the West Indies or large islands and the Lesser Antilles or small islands, favors trade, flow of persons and cultures and defines the island’s identity.
When the Spanish explorer and colonist Ponce de Leon arrived on the island in 1508, he named it Puerto Rico, “Rich Port”, due to the amount of gold, precious wood, and gems. The island was first inhabited by the Taino, an Indigenous people who called their island “Borinquen”. That is why Puerto Ricans are often called boricuas. To exploit those riches, Spaniard colonists imported slaves from Africa, and soon after the abolition, all three groups merged in a unique combination, creating a new ethnic identity.
Puerto Rico, also known as the “Island of Enchantment”, is a Caribbean paradise when talking about women. The island is home to some of the world's most stunning and charming women. On top of that, they are super friendly, sensual, and cheerful and never miss an opportunity for fiesta (to party). Their slim but curvaceous bodies, big expressive eyes, beautiful sexy hair, and cinnamon skin tone, often accentuated by tanning under the tropical sun, produce an exotic mix not found anywhere else in the world, and hard to find in other Latin American countries. Additionally, we feel obliged to mention the New York City area, especially Harlem, the Bronx, and New Jersey, as they host a large community of Puerto Rican descent and immigrants have been arriving from the island for several generations.
Artificial Companions wants to bring the essence of those incredible women and extraordinary girls here so you get virtually transported to their Caribbean paradise of exceptional food and cocktails, pristine beaches, majestic mountains, and experiences that nourish body and soul. Our Artificial Companions Puerto Rican dolls will show all that essence: curvy, sensual, voluptuous sex dolls with dirty blonde and dark curly hair, penetrating eyes, daring attitude, and cinnamon skin tone that will make your blood boil in your veins and the hair in your neck stand up.