Moondust Sale Best Seller

Moondust is the eldest of the Fairy Trinity sisters, the three fairy sisters who protect Elvania, the Forbidden City of the Elves ruled by Queen Evenia, Queen of the Silver Elves. She is also the most powerful of the Trinity, illuminating every night with her magical moonbeams to prevent The Shadows of the Night and Specters from entering Elvania. During full moons, she has the power to create flowers and bring small creatures to life, such as insects, reptiles, and birds, by using Moon dust. That’s where her name comes from.

Some say Moondust is as old as the world. It is also said that she had something to do with the creation of the Qunari, an ancient race related to the elves, because of their similar horns. The Qunari worship dragons, and maybe it’s not a coincidence the word Qun means “Moon” in ancient Elvish. She also speaks Dovahzul, the language of the dragons, and has the ability to control them. Others say it is because she can do blood magic, and everybody knows that the Qunari were created with blood magic.

Anyway, Moondust is a mysterious fairy, an enchanting creature with purple eyes, sleek silver hair, and a sexy body to die for. Her secrets are many, and all her powers are still unknown.


- Fantasy sex doll.
- High-quality TPE body and elf head with pointed ears.
- EVO skeleton with shrugging shoulders and solid feet with bolts.
- Painted hair in eyebrows and eyelashes.
- Mouth can provide oral sex.
- Hollow breasts.
- Refined appearance.
- Removable tongue.
- Natural skin tone.
- Snap-on neck.
- Random outfit.
- Purple eyes.
- Removable horns.
- Wig.

Manufactured by SE Doll, a well-known doll designer and manufacturer that specializes in high-end adult products of superior TPE quality.

  • Regular price $1,399.00

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