Sigfrid Sale Best Seller NEW

Sigfrid is the only human who has been able to defeat and kill a dragon during the Third Age. He is a direct descendant from the Steelhand dynasty of the Winterland Kingdom, far away in the Northernmost region of Ethernia, beyond the Lundren River and the White Mountains.

He received his sword, named The Dragonslayer, as a gift from Queen Evenia from the Silver Elves of the Forbidden City of Elvania after his people were decimated and massacred by Fernhir, the dragon. Their families and lands were burnt and decimated, and their cities and fortresses razed to the ground, but finally, thanks to the power of The Sword, Sigfrid was able to defeat the dragon and take revenge.

Now he roams the land as a warrior of fortune, killing monsters and helping those who may require his services. He likes to have sex with women, men, and nymphs and has frequently been seen drinking and participating in sex orgies.

Body made of high-quality TPE, medical-grade, CE certified. An internal stainless-steel skeleton supports the body and allows it to adopt any natural human posture. Oral and anal orifices. Penis to choose from two sizes: 10” (25 cm) and 6” (15 cm).

  • $1,399.00
  • Regular price $1,899.00

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